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50ish gal who views the world with a bit of cynicism. Our world is full of hilarity at every turn, and I feel the need to express my views on it. Others may think it, I say it.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Holidays

I wished I liked this time of year more. I just don't. It's only the beginning of November and we are being innundated with Christmas already. It reminds me of the last few months before the elections. If I saw one more political commercial I'd scream!

Thanksgiving and Christmas are supposed to be about sharing and spending time with our families and friends. I never see that on sale. Just because you can buy authentic, gold rimmed "Elvis in Concert" limited edition plates for your loved one, doesn't mean you should. How about a snuggie for everyone at the office? Don't forget the matching ones for their dogs. Thankfully they are machine washable.

How come Chia pets are only sold at Christmas time? And, at a number of fine retailers. Nothing says Merry Christmas like greenery growing out of a sheep. There are all kinds of weird things that can only be purchased as gifts this time of year. How about a microwave pasta boat or a chop wizard? Remeber that stupid singing fish? Maybe some Christmas patterned Sham Wow's. I sure do miss Billy Mays.

Let's not forget the Christmas apparel. Tacky holiday sweater parties are all the rage these days. As you are perusing the local thrift store just remember that someone purchased that sweater new and wore it woth pride. Why, who knows. Why must we adorn ourselves with glitter, sequins, flashing lights, music and antlers? I have been known to wear Christmas jewelry, but it was a long time ago and I have since seen the error of my ways.

Ah, the food. I didn't know you could use Jello in so many different ways. The Holidays are bad casserole heaven. Most are put together with Campbell's soup and breadcrumbs of some sort. These food items are good for potlucks and there are never any leftovers. The cookies, pies and breads are tasty though. Although turkey is a Thanksgiving staple, it's usually not that great. It's best for sandwiches later.

Most family get togethers are rife with unresolved issues. This is a good time to get it all out in the open and see if it can be hashed out once and for all. This is a drinking game to be sure. How much or how little will determine the resolvability of the issues. I remember seeing this as a kid, but not really getting it. Times change, prople don't.

Hopefully, we will all do our part in this season of sharing. Lots of families are in need of just the basics and we can all help. A gift for Toys for Tots, the Sharing Trees, local food banks and let's not forget our seniors who are alone this time of year. For all of us sharing and caring is what it is all about.

One last comment, Paula Deen wll be the Grand Marshall for the Rose Parade, WTF?

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