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50ish gal who views the world with a bit of cynicism. Our world is full of hilarity at every turn, and I feel the need to express my views on it. Others may think it, I say it.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What does a song remind you of?

Everytime I hear a song by Cat Stevens or Rod Stewart, it reminds me of a boyfriend I had in high school named Jerry Walters. I met Jerry when I was a freshman and he was a senior. I went to school one day with a friend and he was in her photography class. He was really cute and we hit it off.

Our first date was to the movie Young Frankenstein at the Century Theatre in San Jose. He was late in picking me up and as it turned out, he had hit a dog on his way over. Being the guy he was, he stopped, made sure the dog was okay and found it's family. Who couldn't like that?

Jerry lived in the next town from me so we didn't see each other on a daily basis, but often enough. He asked me to go to his senior prom and I proceeded to shop for a dress that matched his mint green tux. Those were the 70's for you. I went to the beauty parlor and got a hideous hairdo to match. After prom, we went to Pescadero Beach and got stuck in the sand. Jerry had to walk to a phone booth, no cells then, and call a tow truck to get us out. It was a memorable night. My Mom has the prom picture, enough said!

That summer, we spent alot of time together. My Mom would drop me off at his house on her way to work sometimes. He would make me grilled cheese sandwiches with Veleveeta cheese on white bread and we would watch All my Children. We also listened to alot of Cat Stevens and Rod Stewart. Jerry lived with his parents, actually his Mom and Uncle who had married after his Dad died. He had an older brother I never met. His parents were somewhat reserved, but nice enough.

Jerry and I got into a car accident in which his Toyota pickup was totalled. As we were flipping over and over, I kept thinking this can't be it. We walked away from that without a scratch. Those are the kind of experiences you have as a kid and don't realize the significance until later.

Jerry and I broke up later that year but remained friends. Not always an easy task as teenagers. I haven't seen Jerry for about thirty years. Last I heard, he had moved to Colorado. I hope his life has been full of happiness. He was truly one of the nicest people I have ever known.

Oh Baby, Baby, it's a wide world.........

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